Indian Summer

Indian Summer


Typically this bouquet will include freesias, carnations, liliy flowers and chrysanthemums. The exact content will very from season to season but will include a pretty selection of flowers and foliage.

SKU: IDS-M-WF Categories: , Tag:


Typically this bouquet will include freesias, carnations, liliy flowers and chrysanthemums. The exact content will very from season to season but will include a pretty selection of flowers and foliage.

Some flowers are seasonal. Wilde Flowers will make the bouquet to look like the photo as much as possible. Some stems may have to be exchanged.

The flowers come nicely delivered in matching cellophane. They will be complete with gift card and envelope containing your personal message.

They all come out in an aqua pack box to keep them watered and well fed.

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Standard, Medium, Superior


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